Tall Toilets for Elderly People

As we age, it becomes increasingly difficult to squat down on a toilet and then stand back up again. This is due to the loss of muscle strength and flexibility that comes with age. Fortunately, there are products available that can help elderly people with mobility limitations stay safe and independent. Tall toilets with seats that are higher off the floor can make a world of difference for those who need a little extra help.


If you're looking for a toilet that's easier to get on and off of, a taller model may be the right choice for you. This can be especially beneficial for seniors with leg, hip, knee, or back problems. Additionally, taller people may find taller toilets more comfortable. Keep in mind that you don't necessarily have to replace your entire toilet to get a taller model. You can also buy a raised seat or a toilet lift to adapt your existing toilet.

The Basics of Comfort Height Toilets

When it comes to toilets, there are two different types: standard and comfort height. Standard toilets are the more traditional type, and they typically measure 15 to 16 inches from the floor to the top of the seat. Comfort height toilets, on the other hand, are slightly taller and measure 17 to 19 inches. This makes it easier for people to sit down and stand up again, which is ideal for those with mobility issues. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that all disabled toilets be within this range.

Keep in mind that if you're one of the many people who suffer from constipation, you might want to avoid using comfort height toilets. That's because it's much easier to move your bowels when you're in a squat position, with your hips slightly lower than your knees. However, you can try resting your feet on a step stool that fits around the base of the toilet, which might help alleviate the problem.

If you're shorter than average, you may also want to avoid comfort height toilets. Since your feet might not reach the ground, you could experience pain, tingling, or even numbness in your legs. A step stool might help, but a better solution is to install an Ucom toilet lift on a standard toilet.


The Ucom toilet lift is a great solution for people who want to maintain their independence and dignity. Using this toilet lift, you can use the bathroom just like you always have. It slowly lowers you to sit and then gently raises you up, so you can stand on your own. It’s easy to operate and works with most standard toilets.

How to Choose the Right Toilet


A toilet seat should be high enough off the floor to allow you to sit down and stand up easily. It is also important to be able to rest your feet flat on the floor. 


This helps to ensure that you are using the toilet in the most ergonomic way possible, which can help to prevent back and knee pain.

If you use a wheelchair, it's important to find a toilet with a seat that's the right height. This makes it easier to transfer from your wheelchair to the toilet seat. Keep in mind that an ADA toilet is 17 to 19 inches high, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it will work for you. If you need something taller, you might want to consider a wall-mounted toilet.

When choosing a toilet, it is important to note that many manufacturers only specify the height from the floor to the rim of the bowl. This is because the seat is often sold separately and generally adds about an inch to the total height.
Bowl shape.

When it comes to toilet bowls and seats, there are two main types: round and elongated. A round bowl is a type of toilet that is somewhat circular. This type of toilet is often found in older bathrooms. An elongated toilet seat is more oval and is often found in newer bathrooms. Both have their pros and cons, so it's really a matter of personal preference. Here's a quick breakdown of each:

Round Bowl:


- Often cheaper than elongated bowls
- Takes up less space
- Can be easier to clean

  Elongated Bowl:
- More comfortable to sit on
- Looks more modern
- May require a different size seat than a round bowl


There are two basic styles of toilets: one-piece and two-piece. One-piece toilets are made of a single piece of porcelain, while two-piece toilets have a separate bowl and tank. Both styles have their pros and cons, so it's important to choose the right toilet for your needs.

One-piece toilets are generally more expensive than two-piece toilets, but they're also easier to clean. Because there are no nooks and crannies for dirt and grime to hide, one-piece toilets are much easier to keep clean. They also have a sleek, modern look that many homeowners prefer.

Two-piece toilets, on the other hand, are usually less expensive. They're also easier to install, since you don't have to lift a heavy, one-piece toilet into place. But, because there are more seams and joints, two-piece toilets can be more difficult to clean.

Wall-hung toilets are a great way to save space in your bathroom.If you have a small bathroom, this can be a huge benefit. Wall-hung toilets are also very easy to clean, since there is no base for dirt and grime to accumulate.

On the downside, wall-hung toilets are very expensive. You will need to purchase a special carrier system and open up the wall in your bathroom. In addition, you will need to move the drain pipes from the floor to the wall. This can be a big job, and it will likely add to the cost of your project.

Post time: Jan-12-2023